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Public Implementation of a Graph Algorithm
Library and Editor

H. de Fraysseix      P. Ossona de Mendez

Compilation and Installation

This package includes the source files of a stand alone library tgraph, the editor pigale and the client program .
The editor is based on the Qt toolkit and uses the OpenGL libraries for the 3-dimensional drawings.
g++ and Mesa3D are available under the GNU license.
Qt is free under Unix with a GPL license, and there exists a non-commercial license under Windows.


The Mesa 3D libraries are included in XFree86 version 4, but sometimes the glut library is not.
The QT libraries are included in all Linux distributions providing access to KDE.
Doxygen is only needed if you want to create the on line documentation.

Using configure

Pigale uses GNU autoconfig for compilation and installation. The programs are installed in $prefix/bin, the libraries in $prefix/lib and some documentation in $prefix/Doc.
You may have to delete first the old libraries in $prefix/lib before running make.
If automakefile complains, you may try to execute:
aclocal && automake -ac && autoconf
before running ./configure

Using make

The files pigale/gnumakefile, pigale/tgraph/gnumakefile ,pigale/ClientServer/gnumakefile and pigale/qt/gnumakefile might need to be edited for particular goals (level of optimization, location of files, etc.).

The command make -f gnumakefile creates the libraries in pigale/lib and the executable programs in pigale/qt and pigale/ClienServer .

If you don't have root permission, you can create static versions of Pigale by typing: make static , after the libraries has been created (name is then spigale_xxx instead of pigale_xxx).

This program has also been compiled under different UNIX systems, using the gcc compilers.


Pigale has been compiled with the following:

mail logo
Hubert de Fraysseix
Patrice Ossona de Mendez

Last modified: Sat Apr 30 16:15:56 CEST 2005